Attention Highland County
Attention Highland County, Virginia Businesses! If you could use some help with your new or existing business, consider applying for an Incentive Grant from the Highland EDA.
Grant funds, in a range of $2,000 - $5,000 per business, can be awarded for the following uses: Purchase of supplies, equipment, or inventory, and/or down-payments towards the lease or purchase of a commercial location, renovations or minor repairs to a new commercial location, utility connection fees, and/or advertising & marketing expenses, and job training (if unavailable through VJIP).
Applications are due by 5 pm on January 16, 2023.
The Highland EDA strongly encourage applicants to email or call 540-383-9415 with questions about the application or attachments required.
Click on the following link for more details and to view and download the application:
Original source can be found here