"@RepSpartz @RepJackBergman @RepPfluger @RepRalphNorman @virginiafoxx @RepGusBilirakis @RepFitzgerald @RepJohnJoyce @RepRosendale @RepGarretGraves @RepDavidRouzer @RepBrianBabin @RepAndyBiggsAZ @GReschenthaler @WarrenDavidson @RepMikeGarcia @cathymcmorris @RepBalderson"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Ben Cline:
"@RepTedBudd @RepMcKinley @RepBobGibbs @RepTomEmmer @CongressmanHice @congbillposey @RepHagedorn @Kat_Cammack @RepLoudermilk @RepTimmons @RepJerryCarl @RonnyJacksonTX @RepCarlos @michaelgwaltz @RepPatFallon @RepChuck @RepTroyNehls @RepMalliotakis @RepBoebert @RepCawthorn"Read on Twitter"Read on Twitter
"@RepBuddyCarter @RepMcClintock @RepHartzler @RepChipRoy @repdarrellissa @RepMattGaetz @RepTimBurchett @PeteSessions @RepRichHudson @RepWalberg @RepClayHiggins @RepDonaldsPress @RepBrianMast @GregMurphyMD @CongressmanGT @RepRickCrawford @RepRWilliams @RepSamGraves @MikeKellyPA"Read on Twitter
"Those who unlawfully cross our border should be detained and deported, not released into our country on a promise to reappear. Catch and Release is dangerous, and I demanded accountability from ICE for losing track of nearly 48,000 illegal aliens. cline.house.gov/media/press-re"Read on Twitter